A little learning is a dangerous thing.
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.
------ Alexandre Pope, 1688-1744, British poet
- ISBN:9867900669
- 叢書系列:
- 規格:平裝 / 256頁 / 15 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
- 出版地:台灣
- 本書分類:> >
新冠肺炎疫情發生以來,在黨中央、國務院的堅強領導和國際社會鼎力支持下,江西省上下團結奮戰,匯聚起了眾志成城的強大力量,疫情防控工作取得積極成效。這裡面凝聚了外籍師生朋友們的理解、關心、支持和幫助,我們深表感謝。 當前,全球新冠肺炎疫情形勢仍不容樂觀,一些國家和地區新增確診和疑似病例快速增長,疫情通過人員跨境流動傳播風險加大。為了做好新冠肺炎防控工作,切實保障我省外籍師生的生命和健康安全,現將有關事項告知如下: 一、中國政府及你們所在的中國院校十分關心你們的身心健康,請和你們所在的學校保持聯繫。無論你是留校還是在境外,加強綜合防範十分必要。請你們保持科學健康生活方式,提高身體素質,如遇到自己或身邊的人出現疑似癥狀,請及時向你們所在的中國院校報告並就醫。 二、目前我省防疫形勢總體平穩,但是中國的疫情尚未結束,我省各級各類學校尚未開學,為確保你們的安全,作以下提示: 1.留校的外籍師生,請你們配合學校的管理,外籍專家樓及留學生公寓實行封閉式管理,請你們不出校園,自覺接受實名驗證及體溫檢測。 2.在境外的外籍師生,尚未接到開學通知之前請不要提前返校。如在境外遇到防疫物資等方面的困難,請儘快告知所在學校,我們將盡最大努力給予幫助。如有極為特殊原因不得不提前返校,需要本人向學校提出申請,報學校批準同意後方可返校,須在抵達後接受14天隔離觀察,身體無恙後才可以入住外國專家樓或留學生公寓。 新冠病毒是人類共同的敵人,抗擊病毒人人有責。希望廣大外籍師生朋友們充滿信心,團結一致,共同努力,打贏這場防疫之戰。我們相信有你們的配合,定能夠共渡難關,戰勝疫情! 江西省教育系統新型冠狀病毒感染的 肺炎疫情防控工作領導小組 2020年3月8日 A Letter to the Foreign Teachers and International Students of Jiangxi Province Since the outbreak of COVID-19, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and with the strong support of the international community, all the people of Jiangxi Province have worked hard with united spirit and gathered the powerful force to fight against the epidemic, and the prevention and control work has achieved positive results. Your concern, support, help and understanding are greatly appreciated. At present, the global situation of COVID-19 epidemic is not optimistic yet. The new confirmed and suspected cases of some countries and regions are growing rapidly, creating the risk of spreading the epidemic through cross-border movement. Therefore, in order to further advance its prevention and control of COVID-19 and effectively safeguard the physical and mental health of foreign teachers and international students, it is requested to inform all of you now: I. The Chinese government and your school or college are extremely concerned about your physical and mental health. Please continuously keep in touch with your school. No matter where you are, at your current school or at abroad, it is necessary to strengthen comprehensive prevention. Please maintain a scientific and healthy lifestyle and improve physical fitness. If you find yourself or the person around you appear suspected symptoms, please promptly report to your Chinese school or college and seek medical treatment. II. Although the current stable epidemic prevention situation in Jiangxi, the epidemic situation inChinais not over. At present, the schools at various levels in Jiangxi have not yet opened. In order to ensure your safety, friendly reminder is as follows: i. For those foreign teachers and international students who are on your campus now, please cooperate with your school. The closed-off management is implemented on your dormitories and apartments. Please do not leave the campus and consciously accept real-name verification and body-temperature testing. ii. For those foreign teachers and international students who are out ofChina, please do not return to your school in advance before you receive the notice of opening. If you encounter difficulties on epidemic prevention materials or other problems overseas, please inform your school as soon as possible. We will do our utmost to offer help. If there is very special reason that you have to return to your school in advance, you need to apply to your school at first and return after approval. Furthermore, it is essential for you to accept 14 days of isolation observation after your arrival at your school. You can live in your dormitory or apartment only you are in good health. The COVID-19 is the common enemy of mankind, and it is everyone's duty to fight against the epidemic. It is in the hope that you, the vast number of foreign teachers and international students and friends in Jiangxi, have full confidence and work together to win the battle against COVID-19. We firmly believe that, with your cooperation, we will be able to walk through the difficulties together and to overcome the epidemic! Leading Group of Jiangxi Provincial Education System on the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 8 March, 2020 主辦:江西省委教育工委 江西省教育廳 承辦:江西省教育管理信息中心 審核:羅運鋒 編輯:吳永亮 稿件來源:江西教育網
壹讀 https://read01.com/nEnkAR3.html
博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010263077
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